Saturday, September 17, 2011

Welcome to Not to Scale

Not to Scale - Logo2
Welcome to not to scale, a site I intend to furnish with gen concerning architecture, art and design. Not to scale will serve as a virtual identity for my work, intentions and views.
I aim to construct a space quite different to a typical architectural blog. This will not be a diving board of links and images but a forum in which my theories can be analyzed and experiences shared. Expect to see me constantly highlight my own research and discoveries, including the impression they’ve had on me and the reasons behind it.
Through the medium of text, images and video I will also display my own work. Anticipate a mixture of my own personal projects as well as work produced through the remainder of my tenure as a student at The Caribbean School of Architecture. Throughout my displayed portfolio I will highlight the research and process that influenced my designs.
Not to Scale - Logo
I will also take a detailed look at technology and media related to architecture as a digital field. With the evolution of ubiquitous computing, architects and artists are presented with new methods of expression and productivity. Through this exploration I will suggest ways in which present and upcoming technologies can augment our efforts as architects and designers.
So sit back as I start detailing my thoughts, my views, my work, not to scale “not to scale
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