Monday, October 17, 2011

Design Studio

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Proceeding without any mention of Design Studio would be, I believe, an exercise in fallacy. Now in my fourth year of CSA, I have grown quite fond of the time spent in studio. It is like no other learning environment I have experienced. The engagement among my peers and lecturers, the sharing of knowledge with them, and the critiques they give have been a valuable resource to me. Within the core of studio, my learning has been facilitated by augmenting my personal experience with research investigation and reflection and this new interaction. In fact I have taught myself more than any of my many lecturers have, and I think that is the point. They are meant to be only guides.
I consider myself lucky that my initial exposure to a studio environment was not in school but within the work place. The office of Co-rd Ltd, one of my previous places of employ prior to school, is based on a studio environment. There are no closed cubicles, or individual offices, everyone’s work is easily viewable and the lack of walls encourage you to either appease your curiosity or submit your views and opinion. At the time I took it for granted, but it was very constructive.

A mere mention of Design Studio however would not be enough. So I have decided, to use this post to kick start the Design Studio portion of this blog where I showcase my work and design intent in studio for my current and future projects. I also expect it to be a digital scrapbook to chronicle my process and final designs.
Be aware that Images of works may not be to scale. Now to get started.

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